I run. I run a classroom. I run my life! I can't promise any eloquent words of wisdom, but I can share what it's like to be a runner and a teacher, and everything in between.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011


September 19th is a day of the year
that always brings a little joy into my heart.

You may (or may not) know, but it's a holiday!
It's called International Talk Like a Pirate Day!

It's a day for telling pirate jokes, wearing black and white,
and an excuse to say "Arrrrrrrgh" whenever you feel like it.

I celebrated in the following ways:
1) Wore a black and white striped shirt to school,
complete with a pirate hat and patch. :)
(I wish I would have remembered to take a photo!)
2) Shared pirate jokes with my students
3) Read How I Became a Pirate to my students

It was a pretty fun day! 

And, in the spirit of this holiday, I leave you with some pirate jokes:

Why couldn't the pirate go to the movie?

What's a pirate's favorite letter?

How much does it cost a pirate to get a piercing?
A buck an ear!

What do you call a pirate that skips school?
Capain Hookey!

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