I run. I run a classroom. I run my life! I can't promise any eloquent words of wisdom, but I can share what it's like to be a runner and a teacher, and everything in between.

Friday, June 15, 2012

Moving Day

I have moved!
Follow me here.

It's been fun,
but the fun will only continue.

Run on over to my new wordpress site.
See you there!

Thursday, June 14, 2012

back in action

I am a runner.
And when I say that, I don't just mean I run often.
I am a runner.
I am a runner because when I don't run,
I jones and seethe until I can run again.

These last three weeks I've been sidelined
due to a nagging knee pain.
A tight IT band was the diagnosis.
Rest, ice and strengthening was on order.
And no running until it felt better.
Then, add on a nasty three day cold.
I basically was a caged animal,
raging to get out and cause havoc.

I awoke this morning finally feeling normal.
A slight tinge in my knee, but nowhere near 
how it once felt.
I decided today was the day.
Today was the day I could return.
After all, Warriors don't quit.

As I tied my shoelaces,
I realized,
This is what being a runner feels like.
All you want to do is run.
And when you're not running,
all you can think about is running.

Glad to be back.
And can't freakin' wait to
let the marathon training begin!

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Wednesday Delights

Since making my summer bucket list
I've been pretty determined to follow through
and complete at least one thing each day of summer.

Well, getting sick was not planned,
which has put a wrench in getting a few of the easy things crossed off.
(If you know me, I never get sick.  And when I do, I'm a HUGE baby!)
I admit that I haven't run once so far on this summer vacation!
Nor have I spent any time by the pool!
What kind of start to summer is this?!

However, after spending two days forced to lounge inside,
I had to get out of the house, despite my lack of energy.
I was in the mood to thrift, so Chris and I headed to 
Roseville's Antique Trove today to get a start on #16.
Much to my delight, I stumbled upon this cute juice pitcher 
for only 12 dollars and decided it had to be mine!
I just love the patterns and can't wait to fill it with a batch of fresh lemonade.
Perhaps that calls for a recipe on Pinterest,
which will allow me to start on #13!

After some time strolling among the antiques,
we headed to the bookstore next.
I'm trying to stick to my "Book a Week" plan,
so next on the list will be this one:

Said to be a modern day Catcher in the Rye
I've got high hopes for this one,
which gives me a little push of motivation
to get done with the book I'm reading now.

For being sick,
I've had a little luck on this Wednesday.

Monday, June 11, 2012

Family Bonding and Best Summer Ever #1

I don't think I brag about my family enough.
So this post is dedicated to them.

This weekend I had the pleasure to serve as
Camp Director of the Friedrich Family "Camping Trip."
Though long ago it did begin as a true camping trip.

We rented 3 awesome houses in South Lake Tahoe,
with enough room to sleep all 32 of us,
in addition to the 5 that came just for the day.
Complete with a softball game, volleyball game,
amazing food, Encore, betting on the Belmont,
pouting after a Celtics loss and beer pong, 
this trip was more than I could have ever hoped for.

However, the part that made the weekend was
Minute to Win It!
Yes, that's right.  My family played some games
inspired by the TV show, including ones called 
"Junk in the Trunk" and "Penny Hose."
Do you have members of your family that 
will willingly place their hands in a pair of panty hose
digging to grab two pennies?
Well I do!
Or family members that will race to unwind an entire roll of toilet paper?
Or attempt to inch a cookie from their forehead to their mouth?
I do!

Here's a sneak peek of my photos below:
My two cousins, Mary Kate and Maddy, competing during
"Face the Cookie." 

And let me tell you, my family is amazing!
For the most part I'd say we all get along,
 though we will take witty jabs at one another from time to time.
But if there weren't any jokes or one-liners
it wouldn't be a true Friedrich event.
We love impromptu games of Bridge and Apples to Apples.
We love to cheer for anything, even when it's just someone walking in the door.
We're loud, but we're lovable.
I feel lucky to call myself a Friedrich
and love sharing every minute with them!

I feel like the pictures can tell a better story of our weekend
than I can put into words.

A view from the lake looking up at one of the amazing
houses we rented.
Our own personal dock came with the house!

 Just a few of the players.

Spontaneous volleyball game at Raegen Beach.

 "Penny Hose" - My aunt Mary is a great sport!
"Bucket Head" - Toss 3 ping pong balls into the bucket...
On top of another players head!

 "Junk in the Trunk" - Shake 4 ping pong balls out.

 "Face the Cookie!"
 Another amazing view from our house.

My family rocks.  Just thought you should know!

*Side note: This counts as putting a checkmark by #1
on my summer bucket list; this being my first road trip of summer.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

College Talk

At my school, we're all about college.
Each classroom is named after a different university.
We have "College Shirt Fridays."
 We use "college walk" and encourage "college talk."

My classroom is named after UCLA.
Our student of the day is known as "Bruin of the Day."
Our class money is known as "Bruin Bucks."
And we even have a class cheer!

Now, I am completely aware that college is not for everyone.
However, in my opinion, if college is what you desire,
then you should have the opportunity to work toward this goal.
(Keep in mind I said "work toward.")
You're not going to get into college if you don't have drive.
Let that be said first.

I have been working hard with my students on this idea of
"College Talk."
Better known as academic discourse, college talk
is the way students interact and discuss ideas in class.
We have worked hard to understand what this 
sounds like and feels like within a classroom.

This week we did a little wrap-up,
reflecting on this "College Talk" that we've been using all year.
However, now it's changed from college talk to Academic Discourse.

As I looked at their responses,
I felt one of those moments where as a teacher
you feel proud.  You say to yourself,
"Wow, I taught them that.  They learned this from me."
Yet, the words they reflected were deeper
than I ever could have articulated myself.

So let me brag for just a second and 
share some of their work with you.

(All you non-teachers out there,
this may make no sense, 
but it's a big deal to me.)

 Students created "Team Statements" to declare their 
own definitions and opinions of academic discourse.
 "It is important because it helps you be brave in college."
My favorite one from this page: 
"It makes you feel like a genius."
This group felt the need to highlight their cooperative effort
by labeling each group member on their Team Statement. 

Monday, June 4, 2012

Best Summer Ever - #12 and #17

Well I guess technically summer has not yet arrived,
(especially because the weather outside is breezy and overcast)
however, my mind has been on summer vacation for a little while now.

When my students and I set goals,
I always remind them
"If you can talk the talk,
can you walk the walk?"
We always talk about how the action
is always harder than the plan.

Well, people,
my "Best Summer Ever List" is already in action!

Exhibit A:
My amazing dessert this evening!!!

I have already consumed massive amounts of 
strawberries and cantaloupe galore!
(I think I have a cantaloupe addiction.)
Thanks to my mother who always provided tons of 
summer fruit as a child.  
I'm convinced that's when the love affair began.
I won't lie.  
The cantaloupe you see above?
Yeah thats the 3rd cantaloupe I've cut up
in the last two weeks.
Nom, nom, nom!! I just can't get enough of it!

So, I suppose I won't have any trouble  crossing off #12: 
Eating a crap-TON of my favorite summer fruits - cantaloupe, strawberries, pineapple, blueberries, raspberries, etc!

Exhibit B:
The first book on my Summer Reading list!

Well I guess I will jump on the latest book bandwagon.
I'm not even sure I'll like it.
However, this is the first book up on my list for summer reading.
So that begins the quest to complete #17:
Reading at least 1 book for every week of summer vacation - 7 total.

I got this idea from Donalyn Miller
who wrote The Book Whisperer.
(one of my favorite teacher books!)
She has this awesome little challenge called
where you read 1 book for every day of your vacations.
This includes summer, Thanksgiving, winter, and spring breaks.
I have to admit, I'm not an avid reader,
but I aspire to be.
So I gave myself a challenge I think I can stick to.

Well, Summer Vacation, you're almost here!
And I still have hope that this will be
The Best Summer Ever.
And I look forward to "walking the walk" 
as I post more 
that it really was!

Stay tuned!